Saturday, May 11, 2013

Visiting the farm in Connecticut

Two weekends ago (April 27-30), we went down to visit Grandma Elizabeth and Grandpa Lyle in Connecticut. We decided to leave in the evening on Friday, around the time Matilda would be sleeping, in the hopes that she would sleep most of the trip. It worked pretty well! We had to stop on the side of the road for a diaper change at around 7:30, but after that point, she was out like a light. The only downside is that Stu and I are not used to staying up super late any more--it was a bit of a challenge to make the drive and we got in pretty late both coming and going.

April 29th was Matilda's one-month birthday! I tried to take some "artsy pics" which ended up being thwarted by hilarious baby expressions. She is wearing little wool socks, since she's a Vermonter. And is squinty mostly because she's not used to natural light.

Oh, it's so hard to take pictures of babies. Stu tried to provide some motivation for smiling, which she was just starting to do at this point.

 Verrrrry skeptical of daddy's enthusiasm.

In addition to the baby photo shoot, Matilda also met some ponies!

On Sunday we met Jack and Judy for brunch. Matilda was a dear and slept the whole time. She does some of her best sleeping in restaurants.

And before we left to go home there were several shots with Lyle and Elizabeth's new tractor. My favorite is the grandparents shot. :D
 A man, a baby, and a tractor: the Vermont trifecta.

Matilda was very indulgent of all the photo-taking that occurred, which is good. She's a much-photographed baby, which is not likely to change.

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